Friday, November 11, 2016

Linking Design-Centric Company with Agile Principles

Flexibility is critical factor to solve problems and tolerate fails of our technical teams. First, the right understand of what New Product Introduction (NPI) method is and the importance of his adoption helps to follow formal processes involved with user needs and technical feasibility. Second, it clear for me that high-tech companies gave us the notion that satisfy business requirements and be robust against failure is important just like teamwork and creativity of a younger designer.

If you want to solve a problem through design, I have a scenario that can illustrate. When I worked for a semiconductor Design Center in Brazil we reviewed and critiqued the schedule and product requirements several times with verification team in India and potential end-users in Mexico. Insights gained from the critique are used to determine the improvements in development. With these repeated steps, we reduced scope creep in several projects. Program and Portfolio Managers are required to simplify and humanize complex problems.

To sum up, the complexity of the semiconductor design-center company that I worked for makes me understand that everything starts by the respect for people and continuously improve of customer’s experience independently of their region of the planet.

In conclusion, Agile principles emphasis that best requirements and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. The highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of value. Changes of requirements are welcome, even late in development. Agile harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. 

O Dr. Eder Alves é fundador e principal consultor da PredictON. Possui background acadêmico em Administração de Empresas e Ciência da Computação com áreas de concentração em estratágia empresarial, inovação e gerenciamento de projetos. Adquiriu conhecimentos ao longo da vida universitária em sistemas de tecnologia da informação, gerenciando projetos complexos e programas para empresa globais como IBM e Freescale Semiconductor. É portador das credenciais PMP e Scrum Master Certified.